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Auction Orders

Auction orders are orders registered on the auction contract to bid on a fan token auction (FTA). The auction orders from multiple users will determine the clearing price of a fan token once the auction is cleared/finalized.

This is equivalent to bids in the context of auctions, but this term is more commonly used in subgraphs and contracts.


Bids are equivalent to auction orders.

Bonding Curve

A bonding curve is a mathematical curve that defines the relationship between the price of a token and the supply of the token. The bonding curve is used to determine the price of a fan token in the fan token auction (FTA).

To learn more about the bonding curve that is implemented in the Moxie protocol, click here.

Buy Orders

Buy orders are orders registered on the Moxie Bonding Curve smart contract to purchase a fan token in exchange for a certain amount of the Moxie token deposited into the Vault contract based on the [price](../use-cases/fan-tokens/ 10-get-the-price-of-certain-fan-token.mdx) determined by the Moxie bonding curve.

Fan Token

To learn more about fan tokens, click here.

Fan Token Auctions

Fan token auctions (FTA) are auctions that are conducted to determine the clearing price of a fan token based on the bids from multiple users. The clearing price is determined by the Moxie bonding curve and the auction orders from multiple users.

Moxie Pass

Moxie Pass is a Soulbound NFT that is required by the Moxie protocol to hold Fan Tokens prior to 22nd November 2024. This NFT is mainly only available to those who have Farcaster account.

By 22nd November 2024, holding Moxie Pass NFT is no longer a requirement and any EOA wallet or contract address on Base can now buy and hold Fan Tokens.

Sell Orders

Sell orders are orders registered on the Moxie Bonding Curve smart contract to sell a fan token in exchange for a certain amount of the Moxie token withdrawn from the Vault contract based on the [price](../use-cases/fan-tokens/ 10-get-the-price-of-certain-fan-token.mdx) determined by the Moxie bonding curve.

Subject Token

Subject token is equivalent/synonymous to fan token. This term is more commonly used in subgraphs and contracts.


Portfolio is defined as all the fan tokens that a user owns. To get a user's portfolio, follow this tutorial here.


Vault is a smart contract that holds the Moxie token when fan tokens are purchased. On the other hand, if a fan token is sold, then the Moxie token will be withdrawn from the Vault contract.

To learn more about the Vault contract, click here.