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Buy Fan Tokens


  1. Install dependencies

  2. Download the Moxie Token and Moxie Bonding Curve ABI.

  3. Make sure to have Moxie token in your wallet and sufficient Base ETH to cover the transaction fees.

Step 1: Setup Client

import { createWalletClient, createPublicClient, http } from "viem";
import { mnemonicToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
import { base } from "viem/chains";

const account = mnemonicToAccount("YOUR_WALLET_MNEMONIC");

const client = createWalletClient({
chain: base,
transport: http(),

export const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: base,
transport: http(),

Step 2: Check Moxie Token Allowance

Step 3: Calculate Buy Price For Fan Tokens

Step 4: Approve Moxie Tokens

Step 5: Execute Contract Call

import client from "./client";
import { MoxieBondingCurveABI } from "./abi/ProtocolContracts#MoxieBondingCurve.json";

try {
address: "0x373065e66B32a1C428aa14698dFa99BA7199B55E",
abi: MoxieBondingCurveABI,
functionName: "buyShares",
args: [
// subject address
// amount of Moxie to purchase the FT, calculated from step 2
// (minimum) amount of FT to buy
} catch (e) {

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