Execute Transactions In Skill
This guide will walk you through each step to execute transactions in your Skill.
For this guide, we'll be creating a new action named transferAction
that will transfer ETH on Base from the user's agent wallet to another wallet requested by the user.
Step 1: Create A New Action
First, create a new file named transferAction.ts
in the actions
folder. This file will contain an empty Action
that named transferAction
will similar structure as the balanceAction
import {
type Action,
type IAgentRuntime,
type Memory,
type HandlerCallback,
type State,
type ActionExample,
} from "@moxie-protocol/core";
import { MoxieWalletClient } from "@moxie-protocol/moxie-agent-lib";
export const transferAction: Action = {
similes: [
description: "Transfer ETH token on Base from one wallet to another",
suppressInitialMessage: true,
validate: async () => true,
handler: async (
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
message: Memory,
state: State,
_options: { [key: string]: unknown },
callback: HandlerCallback
) => {},
examples: [] as ActionExample[][],
Before continuing to implement the transaction execution logic, let's add an examples
field to help the agent to learn various question patterns:
// same as above
export const transferAction: Action = {
examples: [
user: "{{user1}}",
content: {
text: "Send 0.01 ETH to 0x114B242D931B47D5cDcEe7AF065856f70ee278C4",
user: "{{user2}}",
content: {
text: "Transfer completed successfully! Transaction hash: 0xdde850f9257365fffffc11324726ebdcf5b90b01c6eec9b3e7ab3e81fde6f14b",
] as ActionExample[][],
Step 2: Execute Transactions
Once the basic action structure is set up, you can proceed to implement the transaction execution logic.
First, let's add some validation logic to ensure that the user's request is valid.
In order to do this, we'll utilize the LLM to extract the necessary information from the user's request, that is the receiver
address and the amount
to transfer:
import { transferEthTemplate } from "../templates";
import { TransferEthSchema } from "../types";
export const transferAction: Action = {
handler: async (
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
message: Memory,
state: State,
_options: { [key: string]: unknown },
callback: HandlerCallback
) => {
try {
elizaLogger.log("Starting TRANSFER_BASE_ETH handler...");
// Initialize or update state
if (!state) {
state = (await runtime.composeState(message)) as State;
} else {
state = await runtime.updateRecentMessageState(state);
const context = composeContext({
template: transferEthTemplate,
const transferDetails = await generateObject({
modelClass: ModelClass.SMALL,
schema: TransferEthSchema,
} catch (error) {
elizaLogger.error("Error transfering Base ETH:", error);
text: "Failed to transfer Base ETH. Please check the logs.",
where transferEthTemplate
is a LLM prompt template to extract the receiver
address and the amount
to transfer from the user's request:
export const transferEthTemplate = `
Extract the following details to transfer ETH on Base:
- **amount** (Number): The amount of ETH on Base to transfer in wei.
- **toAddress** (String): The address to transfer the ETH to on Base. A valid Ethereum address following regex format: ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$
Provide the values in the following JSON format:
"amount": number,
"toAddress": string,
Here are example messages and their corresponding responses:
**Message 1**
Send 0.01 ETH to 0x114B242D931B47D5cDcEe7AF065856f70ee278C4
**Response 1**
"amount": 0.01,
"toAddress": "0x114B242D931B47D5cDcEe7AF065856f70ee278C4",
Here are the recent user messages for context:
and TransferEthSchema
is a JSON schema to validate the extracted receiver
address and the amount
to transfer:
import { z } from "zod";
export const TransferEthSchema = z.object({
amount: z.number().min(0),
toAddress: z.string(),
Once implemented, transferDetails
will contain the extracted receiver
address and the amount
to transfer, which we can validation logic to check if the extracted values are valid by adding the lines below:
export const transferAction: Action = {
handler: async (
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
message: Memory,
state: State,
_options: { [key: string]: unknown },
callback: HandlerCallback
) => {
try {
// same as above
const { toAddress, amount: value } = transferDetails.object as {
toAddress: string;
amount: number;
// Validate amount is defined and greater than 0
if (!value || value <= 0) {
callback({ text: "Transfer amount must be greater than 0" });
return true;
// Validate ethereum address format
const ethAddressRegex = /^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$/;
if (!ethAddressRegex.test(toAddress)) {
callback({ text: "Invalid Ethereum address format" });
return true;
} catch (error) {
elizaLogger.error("Error transfering Base ETH:", error);
text: "Failed to transfer Base ETH. Please check the logs.",
If all the validation checks pass, we can proceed to execute the transaction by adding the lines below:
export const transferAction: Action = {
handler: async (
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
message: Memory,
state: State,
_options: { [key: string]: unknown },
callback: HandlerCallback
) => {
try {
// same as above
const formattedValue = value * 1e18;
`Transfering ${formattedValue} wei to address ${toAddress}...`
// Get the agent's wallet instance from state
const wallet = state.agentWallet as MoxieWalletClient;
// Execute transaction on the agent's wallet
const { hash } = await wallet.sendTransaction("8543", {
value: formattedValue,
`Transfer completed successfully! Transaction hash: ${hash}`
await callback?.(
text: `Transfer completed successfully! Transaction hash: ${hash}`,
return true;
} catch (error) {
elizaLogger.error("Error transfering Base ETH:", error);
text: "Failed to transfer Base ETH. Please check the logs.",
The execution of the transaction is done by calling the sendTransaction
method on the agent's wallet instance that is injected from the runtime's state.
Step 3: Add The Action To Your Skill
Lastly, add the transferAction
to your skill:
import { Action } from "@moxie-protocol/core";
import balanceAction from "../actions/balanceAction";
import balanceProvider from "../providers/balanceProvider";
import transferAction from "../actions/transferAction";
const samplePlugin: Plugin = {
name: "my-first-creator-agent-skill",
description: "My First Moxie Skill",
actions: [balanceAction, transferAction],
providers: [balanceProvider],
evaluators: [],
services: [],
clients: [],
export default samplePlugin;
For testing, simply re-build your skill:
- npm
- yarn
- pnpm
- bun
npm run build
yarn build
pnpm build
bun build
and run the agent with the following command:
- npm
- yarn
- pnpm
- bun
npm run start
yarn start
pnpm start
bun start
You should be able to test the transferAction
by asking the agent in the client Frontend app to transfer ETH to a specific address by using the following few prompts :
- Send 0.01 ETH to 0x114B242D931B47D5cDcEe7AF065856f70ee278C4
- Move 0.05 ETH to 0x114B242D931B47D5cDcEe7AF065856f70ee278C4
- Pay 0.001 ETH to 0x114B242D931B47D5cDcEe7AF065856f70ee278C4
- etc.
Congratulations! 🥳🎉 You've successfully added a new action to your skill and executed a transaction in your skill.
Developer Support
If you have any questions or need help with other use cases, feel free to join the Moxie Telegram Developers Channel and ask your questions there.
Our team is always ready to help you with any questions you may have.