Get The Split Details Of Moxie Earned By A Certain Member
The Everyday Rewards earned by a Farcaster user through Casts and Frames are generally distributed among multiple parties. These parties include the member (the user), their fans, channel fans (if the Cast/Frame was posted in a channel), and the Farcaster network fans.
By default, the distribution is as follows, though it can be customized by the user:
- 50% to the member who earned the reward
- 20% to their Fans (holders of their Creator Coins)
- 20% to the Fans of the Channel casted into (holders of their Creator Coins)
- 10% to Fans of Farcaster overall (holders of the Creator Coins)
This means that any Moxie earned by a member contributes to the earnings of these various groups.
The Moxie earning data split is currently offchain and available to fetch from the Airstack API. To learn more on how to fetch the Moxie earnings split details of a specific member amongst these various groups, click here.