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Sell Creator Coins On Behalf Of Others

In this tutorial, you will learn step-by-step on how to sell any Creator Coins and transfer it to a third-party Base address on the Moxie protocol through the bonding curve contract.

While the tutorial shown here will be using viem in TypeScript, you should be able to use other programming language and their web3-equivalent libraries to execute the Creator Coin buying process. Alternatives web3 libraries you can use are:


  1. Install dependencies
npm install viem
  1. Download the Subject ERC20 Token and Moxie Bonding Curve ABI.

  2. Make sure to have some Moxie Creator Coins to sell from your wallet and sufficient Base ETH to cover the transaction fees.

Step 1: Setup Client

First, setup a viem client and provide the mnemonic of your account to create an account instance:

Keep Your Mnemonic Secure

Ensure to store the mnemonic securley and privately as an environment variable so that your wallet address will not be compromised.

import { createWalletClient, createPublicClient, http } from "viem";
import { mnemonicToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
import { base } from "viem/chains";

const account = mnemonicToAccount("YOUR_WALLET_MNEMONIC");

const client = createWalletClient({
chain: base,
transport: http(),

export const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: base,
transport: http(),

Step 2: Check Creator Coin Allowance

To check the Creator Coin Allowance, simply call the allowance function from the specified Creator Coin contract.

When calling the allowance function set the parameters as follows:

ownerEither the senders's EOA wallet or vesting contract address.
spenderThe Moxie bonding curve contract address

Step 3: Calculate Sell Price For Creator Coins

To calculate the sell price, call the Moxie bonding curve smart contract calculateTokensForSell with the following parameters:

_subjectTokenAmounthow much FT user wanna buy (in wei)
_subjectThe subject address associated to the Creator Coins.

Step 4: Approve Creator Coins

If the Creator Coin allowance is either 0 or less than what is needed to sell the inputted amount of Creator Coins (from Step 2), then approval on the Creator Coin will need to be initiated to ensure that the buy transaction is successful.

Otherwise, if there is sufficient allowance value, skip to Step 5 to execute the buy Creator Coins transaction.

EOA Wallet

From EOA wallet, simply call the approve function on the Creator Coin with the following variables:

spenderthe Moxie bonding curve address
valuethe amount of Moxie to buy FT

Vesting Contract

From vesting contract there is the approveSubjectToken function that you can call by providing the Creator Coin's subject to the _subject parameter to approve a specific Creator Coin in your vesting contract to be accessible by other Moxie protocol contracts.

After the approval, all the Creator Coin in the vesting contract will be available for selling.

Step 5: Execute Contract Call

Lastly, call the sellSharesForV2 function on the Moxie bonding curve contract to execute the Creator Coin selling transaction:

import client from "./client";
import { MoxieBondingCurveABI } from "./abi/ProtocolContracts#MoxieBondingCurve.json";

try {
address: MoxieBondingCurveAddress, // or user's vesting contract address
abi: MoxieBondingCurveABI,
functionName: "sellSharesForV2",
args: [
// subject address
// amount of FT to sell
// the 3rd party address that will receive the Moxie Token from the selling
// (minimum) amount of Moxie to receive from the selling, calculated from step 2
// referrer address
} catch (e) {

Congrats! 🥳🎉 You've just successfully sold a Creator Coin and transfer it to a third-party address!

Developer Support

If you have any questions or need help with other use cases, feel free to join the Moxie Telegram Developers Channel and ask your questions there.

Our team is always ready to help you with any questions you may have.